In light of the Indian government's decision to introduce further caste based quotas in institutues of higher education to
the tune of 27% for the "Other Backward Classes" (In addition to the 22.5% already enjoyed by Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribe communities), a prominent Indian academic asks the question - Is Caste the sole exploitative factor in Indian society
? Are there no other indices of deprivement, such as Economic Factors, gender, status of a first generation learner, type
of schooling etc ?
Prof. Purushottam Agrawal of the Jawaharlal Nehru University has proposed a new and comprehensive system of affirmative
action called MIRAA - Multiple Index Related Affirmative Action. This system takes into account not just the caste but also
economic deprivation, status of a first generation learner, gender, region and type of schooling into account when deciding
if a candidate to a job/educational institution should get the benefits of Affirmative Action and to what extent.
MIRAA is a flexible system, doing away with "quotas" or percentages -- it effectively brings all available seats
within the ambit of "social justice through affirmative action" and simultenously does not sacrifice on "merit"
or achievement.
Read more at Prof. Agrawal's official website: or here
MIRAA can also be accessed directly at
Read, discuss and invite others to read the article - its time the Government of India stopped looking at 'easy' solutions
and actually came up with a viable system of social justice that actually delivers ...
All comments/FEEDBACK /criticism welcome. Direct it to Prof. Agrawal using the FEEDBACK form on the website.
Note: Prior permission from the author has been taken before posting his work.The author is highly interested in knowing the
FEEDBACK of various strata of the society .